#B2BSaaS: “Our widgets will revolution the widget industry because we are the best widget maker of them all.”
Consumer: “Great, what will I experience when using your widgets? Tell me why I should care.”
#B2BSaaS: “Hypersonic widgets transcend the sub-par widget market by illuminating the divergence of features that traditional widgets cannot.”
Consumer: “What on earth does your widget do?!?”
#B2BSaaS: “We are the best.”
Consumer: “Your competitor helped me understand their tool clearly and simply. I’m going with them.”
Clear, concise, easy-to-understand, outcome-based messaging is critical in #B2BMarketing. Stop confusing your audience with over-engineered feature-jargon and baseless claims.
#Marketing is not magic, it’s a medium for communication. #demandgeneration #b2bmarketing #digitalmarketing #startups