Dive Deeper messaging for #B2B #Startups
⬇️ Start surface level: messaging to a wide audience with non-technical, easy-to-understand, outcome-based messaging.
⬇️ Dive deeper: provide easy access to areas of your website that allow a visitor to understand a more specific version of your core message as it relates to their industry, segment, or specific needs.
⬇️ Dive deepest: provide your technical visitors with easy access to the content and messaging that many #startups start with - technical, feature rich messaging that gets into the details.
Start from the top and dive deeper to provide clarity to all of your users, despite level of technical expertise.
Start from the bottom up to confuse your visitors and lose deals.
#Marketing is not magic, it’s a medium for communication. #demandgeneration #b2bmarketing #digitalmarketing #startups